Providing Holistic Care Using Acupuncture
Dr. Jennings has been recognized as an expert in her field and was designated as a Diplomat of Oriental Medicine. This distinction certifies her as an experienced practitioner of Chinese herbology as well as acupuncture.
In addition, Sheri offers a wide range of acupuncture treatments in her office, located in Marina del Rey. She holds a certification in constitutional facial acupuncture, which promotes healthy aging and encourages rejuvenation.
Our acupuncture technique goes beyond needles, as we use methods that combine holistic medicines with Western medicine. We integrate into specialty markets for holistic treatments and medication by utilizing functional medicines, such as lab testing, to identify chemical fluctuations within the body.
We provide our patients with safe, holistic treatment in an environment that promotes healing. Take your first step toward a healthier lifestyle, and visit to schedule an appointment.